Raktima is a doctoral candidate in social ecological research at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Supported by the Dried Fish Matters (DFM) global partnership project (https://driedfishmatters.org/), her research focuses on dried fish social economy and fisheries governance in Indian Sundarbans. Her doctoral work is broadly an inquiry into how the social economy of dried fish is shaped by relations and values that emerge from complex social interactions along the value chain. She explores the ways in which dried fish value chain diverges from and converges with the mainstream principles and practices of market economy. She is particularly interested in fish value chain, environmental governance, political ecology, and human geography.
Raktima’s roles in this project include organising and facilitating workshops; documenting and designing project reports.
Lastest publication: Ghosh R, Mukherjee J, Bandyopadhyay A, Chatterjee S, Choudry A, Ghosh P, Pathak S, Sen A and Sinha P (2023) Analyzing scenarios and designing initiatives toward just transitions: coproducing knowledge with(in) the dried fish sector in the Indian Sundarbans. Front. Water 5:1043628. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2023.1043628