The lead members of the project "Social Resilience in the Sundarbans" will visit UNIL on the week of the 17th of March 2025. Besides the internal workshop, we invite the public to join 2 events: 1- Tuesday 18th of March 2025 12 pm to 1.30 pm: Seminar at SDC (Swiss...

Agroecology science days at UNIL

Agroecology science days at UNIL

Our team has presented 2 papers at the Agroecology Science Days hosted by the University of Lausanne. WORKSHOP 4: NOURISHING THE AGRO-ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION BY EXPLORING LOCAL DYNAMICS AND NON-TECHNICAL SKILLS Beyond preconceived positionalities in transdisciplinary...

Canal Fishery workshop

Canal Fishery workshop

In September 2024, our ENGAGE4Sundarbans team organised a workshop at Kumirmari Bari with local stakeholders to investigate the possibilities of using canals as fisheries, to upscale our pond experiments. The participation of multiple local stakeholders opened the...

ENGAGE Regional Workshop in Kolkata

ENGAGE Regional Workshop in Kolkata

In September 2024, the ENGAGE4Sundarbans regional workshop aimed to join together our team members from India from IIT Kharagpur and the SJM village community, Bangladesh teams from SAJIDA Foundation and ULAB, and Switzerland UNIL, and exchange around our project with...

International Congress of Ethnobiology

International Congress of Ethnobiology

Poster for the Congress of Ethnobiology - May 2024 In May 2024, we are participating in the 18th International Society of Ethnobiology Congress (ISE Congress 2024) in Marrakech, Marroco, with the poster presented below. The Congress is a great opportunity to meet with...

Gobeshona Session: Building resilience

Gobeshona Session: Building resilience

"The Gobeshona Global Conference 4 - March 2024  The 4th Annual Gobeshona Global Conference took place on 1st March to 8th March 2024, virtually by International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD). The conference provided the opportunity to bring...

V2V-ENGAGE Winter field school in Kumirmari (India)

V2V-ENGAGE Winter field school in Kumirmari (India)

The inaugural edition of the Sundarbans Winter Field School on Transboundary, Transdisciplinarity, and Transformation through Transitions took place in the Kumirmari village of Indian Sundarbans from 19 - 26 January 2024. This year's theme was ‘Social-Ecological...